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Additional InformationCCTE Region: Central MA CCTE Sub-Region: North Central MA School Type: Charter School NCES School Reconstituted: No Pathways Close Proximity: 10 Miles: Other Regions (West) School Title I Status: Non-Title I School (NT) NCES ID: 250003800581 Organization Description: Parker`s mission is to place the student at the center of her or his education, and to create conditions for students to learn to use their minds well. There are 360 students in grades 7-12 who advance and are promoted based on demonstration of learning through exhibition -- the school uses no letter grades or credits. Parker is a member of the Coalition of Essential Schools and subscribes to its Ten Principles (; it is also a candidate for accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Admission is open to students who are residents of the Commonwealth and a lottery is used if there are more applicants than openings. All members of the (first) graduating Class of 2000 were accepted at one or more colleges of their choice. Also, Parker has an independently funded Regional Teacher Center for the purpose of supporting innovation in education and the transformation of teaching and learning, based on the Ten Principles of the Coalition. |