1 | SR | RE | R.1.03 | Identify what is suggested about a character using evidence from the passage. | | 1 | 88% | 80% | 8 |
2 | SR | RE | R.1.01 | Make an inference about a character using evidence from the passage. | | 1 | 96% | 93% | 3 |
3 | SR | RE | R.1.03 | Compare the responses of characters in the passage. | | 1 | 78% | 71% | 7 |
4 | SR | LA | L.3.04 | Determine the meaning of a word in context. | | 1 | 78% | 71% | 7 |
5 | SR | RE | R.1.03 | Analyze how a character feels and choose the evidence that best supports that feeling. | | 2 | 76% | 67% | 9 |
6 | SR | RE | R.1.02 | Analyze how events affect a character. | | 1 | 40% | 36% | 4 |
7 | SR | RE | R.2.05 | Identify the mood created by the author and choose evidence from the passage that best supports the mood. | | 2 | 67% | 57% | 10 |
8 | ES | | Not Available | Write a narrative about the events in the passage from another character’s point of view. | | 7 | 49% | 45% | 4 |
9 | SR | RE | R.2.05 | Determine the purpose of a text feature. | | 1 | 68% | 62% | 6 |
10 | SR | RE | R.1.01 | Describe an individual's feelings and choose evidence that best supports the description. | | 2 | 83% | 68% | 15 |
11 | SR | LA | L.3.04 | Determine the meaning of a word in context. | | 1 | 95% | 86% | 9 |
12 | SR | LA | L.3.06 | Identify the function of specific words and phrases in the passage. | | 1 | 92% | 79% | 13 |
13 | SR | RE | R.2.06 | Analyze the similarities between multiple passages. | | 1 | 86% | 72% | 14 |
14 | SR | RE | R.3.09 | Integrate information from multiple passages to determine which additional resource would be useful for further research on a topic. | | 1 | 82% | 68% | 14 |
15 | SR | RE | R.3.07 | Determine the passages in which topics are presented. | | 2 | 93% | 86% | 7 |
16 | ES | | Not Available | Write an essay explaining information gathered from multiple passages; use details from the passages as evidence. | | 7 | 57% | 51% | 6 |
17 | SR | RE | R.1.01 | Use descriptive language to identify what is suggested about a topic. | | 1 | 73% | 66% | 7 |
18 | SR | RE | R.1.01 | Describe a character's feelings and choose evidence that best supports the description. | | 2 | 70% | 65% | 5 |
19 | SR | RE | R.1.03 | Identify similarities between characters from multiple passages. | | 1 | 94% | 85% | 9 |
20 | SR | RE | R.1.03 | Compare characters from multiple passages. | | 1 | 83% | 77% | 6 |
21 | SR | RE | R.3.09 | Determine what is revealed about characters from multiple passages using evidence from each passage. | | 1 | 71% | 67% | 4 |
22 | SR | RE | R.1.03 | Compare the responses of characters from multiple passages. | | 1 | 91% | 82% | 9 |
23 | SR | LA | L.3.04 | Identify examples of figurative language from multiple passages and determine their meanings. | | 2 | 87% | 82% | 5 |
24 | ES | | Not Available | Write an essay describing the challenges faced and overcome by characters in multiple passages; use details from the passages as evidence. | | 7 | 53% | 45% | 8 |
LA8.CONV1 | ES | LA | L.1.01 | Essay 8 Language ( conventions ) | | 3 | 60% | 55% | 5 |
LA16.CONV2 | ES | LA | L.1.01 | Essay 16 Language ( conventions ) | | 3 | 66% | 57% | 9 |
LA24.CONV3 | ES | LA | L.1.01 | Essay 24 Language ( conventions ) | | 3 | 61% | 52% | 9 |
WR8.IDEA1 | ES | WR | W.1.03 | Essay 8 Writing ( idea development ) | | 4 | 40% | 38% | 2 |
WR16.IDEA2 | ES | WR | W.1.02 | Essay 16 Writing ( idea development ) | | 4 | 50% | 46% | 4 |
WR24.IDEA3 | ES | WR | W.1.02 | Essay 24 Writing ( idea development ) | | 4 | 46% | 40% | 6 |