1 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.4 | Choose the correct meanings of a multiple-meaning word in context. | | 2 | 47% | 55% | -8 |
2 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Identify a character's actions based on information in the story. | | 1 | 44% | 50% | -6 |
3 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.4 | Identify evidence from the story used to determine the meaning of a word. | | 1 | 82% | 82% | 0 |
4 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.4 | Determine what is being described based on details in the story. | | 1 | 63% | 69% | -6 |
5 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.4 | Determine the meaning of a phrase using context from the story. | | 1 | 49% | 53% | -4 |
6 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.2 | Identify the main idea in the story. | | 1 | 67% | 74% | -7 |
7 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Identify a description of characters based on details in the story. | | 1 | 49% | 58% | -9 |
8 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Identify a description of characters' feelings based on details in the story. | | 1 | 52% | 66% | -14 |
9 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Identify a description of the characters' feelings and choose evidence from the story that best supports the description. | | 2 | 55% | 63% | -8 |
10 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.6 | Determine a character's point of view about events in the story. | | 1 | 46% | 48% | -2 |
11 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.2 | Retell the story by dragging events into the correct order. | | 2 | 72% | 80% | -8 |
12 | ES | - | - | Write a narrative that extends the story by describing what might happen next. | | 7 | 15% | 18% | -3 |
13 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.2 | Identify words that are combined to make a contraction in the poem. | | 1 | 63% | 71% | -8 |
14 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.2 | Determine the use of punctuation in the poem. | | 1 | 46% | 53% | -7 |
15 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Identify the thoughts of the speaker of the poem. | | 1 | 50% | 55% | -5 |
16 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.1 | Determine the reason for a character's action based on details from the poem. | | 1 | 44% | 54% | -10 |
17 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.2 | Identify the meaning of the title of the poem. | | 1 | 28% | 40% | -12 |
18 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.2 | Evaluate the use of capitalization in the poem. | | 1 | 59% | 67% | -8 |
19 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.1 | Determine the part of speech of a word used in the story. | | 1 | 40% | 42% | -2 |
20 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.8 | Select details from the story to demonstrate understanding of a cause-effect relationship. | | 2 | 77% | 77% | 0 |
21 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.3 | Determine the effect of figurative language used in the article. | | 1 | 51% | 65% | -14 |
22 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.2 | Determine the purpose of punctuation used in a word from the article. | | 1 | 29% | 31% | -2 |
23 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.3 | Analyze the use of punctuation in a heading in the article. | | 1 | 45% | 59% | -14 |
24 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.5 | Determine where additional information should be included in the article. | | 1 | 53% | 65% | -12 |
25 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Sequence events based on information from the article. | | 2 | 49% | 52% | -3 |
26 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Identify how an object changes based on information from the article. | | 1 | 53% | 63% | -10 |
27 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.1 | Use information from the article to demonstrate understanding. | | 1 | 76% | 78% | -2 |
28 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.1 | Identify information and choose supporting evidence from the article. | | 2 | 66% | 70% | -4 |
29 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.9 | Compare information about a topic found in the article and in the story. | | 1 | 62% | 70% | -8 |
30 | CR | RE | R.PK-12.9 | Write a paragraph that compares the main ideas of the article and the story; include important details from both passages. | | 3 | 36% | 40% | -4 |
WR12.IDEA1 | ES | WR | W.PK-12.3 W.PK-12.4 | Essay 12 Writing ( idea development ) | | 4 | 8% | 11% | -3 |
LA12.CONV1 | ES | LA | L.PK-12.1 L.PK-12.2 L.PK-12.3 | Essay 12 Language ( conventions ) | | 3 | 24% | 28% | -4 |
Participation rates varied across schools, districts, and student groups in 2021 more than in prior years. If the participation rate in 2021 was lower than in prior years, results may have been different if more students had taken the test.