Shaw Elementary School - GRADE 03 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS |
1 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.5 | Determine the setting of the passage. | | 1 | 44% | 63% | 74% | -30 |
2 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.1 | Identify the narrator of the passage. | | 1 | 67% | 64% | 74% | -7 |
3 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.5 | Determine the meaning of a multiple-meaning word in context. | | 1 | 56% | 46% | 51% | 5 |
4 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.1 | Determine the reason for a characters' actions based on details from the passage. | | 1 | 44% | 52% | 60% | -16 |
5 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.4 | Identify a sentence that uses a multiple-meaning word in the same way that the word is used in the passage. | | 1 | 44% | 49% | 60% | -16 |
6 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Determine what a specific paragraph shows about a character. | | 1 | 61% | 76% | 83% | -22 |
7 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.2 | Determine the purpose of punctuation used in the passage. | | 1 | 72% | 65% | 74% | -2 |
8 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Determine the cause of an event from the passage. | | 1 | 50% | 61% | 68% | -18 |
9 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.4 | Interpret what a word suggests about a character in the passage. | | 1 | 44% | 62% | 73% | -29 |
10 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.1 | Determine which event occurred first in the passage. | | 1 | 72% | 73% | 82% | -10 |
11 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.5 | Identify solutions to the problems described in the passage. | | 2 | 50% | 61% | 70% | -20 |
12 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.2 | Determine the central message of the passage. | | 1 | 22% | 54% | 61% | -39 |
13 | ES | - | - | Write an essay explaining how a character's feelings change throughout the passage. Use information from the passage as evidence. | | 7 | 19% | 27% | 31% | -12 |
14 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.7 | Determine which heading would best support a section of the passage. | | 1 | 50% | 41% | 44% | 6 |
15 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.5 | Identify the purpose of a paragraph from the passage. | | 1 | 56% | 38% | 41% | 15 |
16 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.4 | Identify the phrase that best helps to determine the meaning of a word in context. | | 1 | 33% | 49% | 56% | -23 |
17 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.4 | Determine the meaning of a word in context. | | 1 | 67% | 67% | 75% | -8 |
18 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.1 | Determine how an individual from the passage accomplishes a task. | | 1 | 39% | 49% | 55% | -16 |
19 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.7 | Determine the purpose of a text feature in the passage. | | 1 | 39% | 53% | 60% | -21 |
20 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.1 | Identify the tenses used in sentences from the passage. | | 2 | 69% | 68% | 73% | -4 |
21 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.4 | Determine the meaning of a multiple-meaning word in context. | | 1 | 67% | 63% | 67% | 0 |
22 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.4 | Determine the meaning of a word in context. | | 1 | 50% | 59% | 69% | -19 |
23 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.1 | Use information from the passage to demonstrate understanding. | | 1 | 56% | 52% | 61% | -5 |
24 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.7 | Identify how a photograph supports information from a section in the passage. | | 1 | 44% | 45% | 51% | -7 |
25 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Determine what a paragraph suggests about an individual based on information from the passage. | | 1 | 39% | 46% | 53% | -14 |
26 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.1 | Determine the reason for an individual's action in the passage. | | 1 | 44% | 56% | 65% | -21 |
27 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Identify traits that describe objects from the passage. | | 2 | 53% | 54% | 64% | -11 |
28 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.4 | Determine the meaning of a phrase from the poem and choose another word that suggests the same meaning. | | 2 | 42% | 44% | 51% | -9 |
29 | SR | LA | L.PK-12.4 | Identify the meaning of a prefix as used in a word from the poem. | | 1 | 61% | 57% | 60% | 1 |
30 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.3 | Identify a word that describes the main character in the poem. | | 1 | 28% | 49% | 60% | -32 |
31 | SR | RE | R.PK-12.9 | Identify an idea shared by the passage and the poem. | | 1 | 61% | 45% | 54% | 7 |
32 | CR | RE | R.PK-12.2 | Write a paragraph that explains an individual's idea, using important details from the passage. | | 3 | 37% | 29% | 33% | 4 |
WR13.IDEA1 | ES | WR | W.PK-12.2 W.PK-12.4 | Essay 13 Writing ( idea development ) | | 4 | 18% | 24% | 27% | -9 |
LA13.CONV1 | ES | LA | L.PK-12.1 L.PK-12.2 L.PK-12.3 | Essay 13 Language ( conventions ) | | 3 | 20% | 30% | 35% | -15 |