Item by Item Results - Legend

Item Numbers can be directly cross-referenced to item numbers in the MCAS Released Item Documents ( Release of Spring 2012 Test Items

English Language Arts

MCMultiple Choice — 1 point
SRShort Response (grade 3 only) — 2 points
OROpen Response — 4 points
WPWriting Prompt — 12 points for CT, 8 points for CC

LTReading and Literature
CTComposition: Topic/Idea Development
CCComposition: Conventions

2011 STANDARDS (Grades 3–8 only)
Each standard code consists of three components separated by periods (e.g., R.1.03):
R, W, or LReading, Writing, or Language anchor standard
1, 2, 3, or 4Cluster (e.g., Key Ideas and Details is cluster 1 for Reading)
01–10Standard number

School and District Profiles