Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Dudley-Charlton Reg

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2015 MCAS Student Growth Report - Dudley-Charlton Reg (06580000)
Subject: ELA - Grade:All

Charlton Middle School
 - 710 Students Included
 - 82% Proficient or Higher 
 - Median SGP 51 Dudley Elementary
 - 135 Students Included
 - 69% Proficient or Higher 
 - Median SGP 65 Dudley Middle School
 - 601 Students Included
 - 79% Proficient or Higher 
 - Median SGP 46 Heritage School
 - 162 Students Included
 - 67% Proficient or Higher 
 - Median SGP 50 Shepherd Hill Regional High
 - 267 Students Included
 - 95% Proficient or Higher 
 - Median SGP 42
Students Included

School Median SGP % Proficient or Higher Included in SGP
Charlton Middle School 51.0 82 710
Dudley Elementary 65.0 69 135
Dudley Middle School 46.0 79 601
Heritage School 50.0 67 162
Shepherd Hill Regional High 42.0 95 267

View Statewide MCAS Student Growth Report

School and District Profiles