Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Masconomet Regional Middle School

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Next Generation MCAS Tests 2022
Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Masconomet Regional Middle School

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GRADE 07 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS644112552363240419 278100 507 61 26591
GRADE 07 - MATHEMATICS63379753313544319 27599 506 58 26288
GRADE 08 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS59425753353740518 31099 504 55 29879
GRADE 08 - MATHEMATICS57367750294047317 31099 504 55 29784
GRADE 08 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG67427660363041318 31099 506N/AN/A87
GRADES 03 - 08 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS61419653353442417 58899 505 58 56385
GRADES 03 - 08 - MATHEMATICS60398652333743317 58599 505 56 55983
GRADES 05 & 08 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG67427660363040318 31099 506N/AN/A82

Click on any Grade and Subject rows in the table to view Achievement Level in graph.

Note: School achievement percentiles (1-99) compare each group’s average scaled score to the average scaled scores of the same group from all public schools across the state. Only students enrolled in the same school since October 1 are included in calculations, and groups with fewer than 10 students do not receive percentiles.

School and District Profiles