Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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Next Generation MCAS Tests 2023
Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Hedge

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GRADE 03 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS444447403732402416 25100 490N/AN/A32
GRADE 03 - MATHEMATICS404188323344391620 25100 494N/AN/A49
GRADE 04 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS244005243462431517 3498 487 43 3326
GRADE 04 - MATHEMATICS324538293741372618 3498 485 39 3321
GRADE 05 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS364465303942402116 33100 491 65 2934
GRADE 05 - MATHEMATICS33413530366746013 33100 495 66 2948
GRADE 05 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG304238273355401519 33100 490N/AN/A38
GRADES 03 - 08 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS344237303547392019 9299 489 54 6232
GRADES 03 - 08 - MATHEMATICS354147303351411418 9299 491 52 6239
GRADES 05 & 08 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG304137273455401519 33100 490N/AN/A38

Click on any Grade and Subject rows in the table to view Achievement Level in graph.

Note: School achievement percentiles (1-99) compare each group’s average scaled score to the average scaled scores of the same group from all public schools across the state. Only students enrolled in the same school since October 1 are included in calculations, and groups with fewer than 10 students do not receive percentiles.

NOTE: Grade 10 STE results are reported based on students' best performance on any STE test taken in grade 9 or grade 10; only students continuously enrolled in the state, district, or school from fall of grade 9 through spring of grade 10 are included in state, district, or school results.

School and District Profiles