Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Tobin K-8 School

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MCAS Tests 2024
Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Tobin K-8 School

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GRADE 03 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS194206193658402318 3197 487N/AN/A24
GRADE 03 - MATHEMATICS1344010133556353120 32100 478N/AN/A12
GRADE 04 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS103704103260453019 3094 476 48 296
GRADE 04 - MATHEMATICS104608103860383016 3097 477 55 308
GRADE 05 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS153836133250463516 40100 482 53 3715
GRADE 05 - MATHEMATICS0400603465463514 4098 476 24 374
GRADE 05 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG184507183733365020 40100 476N/AN/A7
GRADE 06 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS124021192949354025 43100 475 49 4113
GRADE 06 - MATHEMATICS194027163367431417 43100 490 81 4140
GRADE 07 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS9362673047424422 43100 477 50 4117
GRADE 07 - MATHEMATICS123708123051443719 43100 477 46 4115
GRADE 08 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS1843011183249343324 45100 477 54 4215
GRADE 08 - MATHEMATICS0380803160424019 45100 474 50 439
GRADE 08 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG7390673453414020 45100 475N/AN/A11
GRADES 03 - 08 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS143917133251403521 23299 479 51 19012
GRADES 03 - 08 - MATHEMATICS9410883360423118 23399 479 52 19211
GRADES 05 & 08 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG124206123644384520 85100 476N/AN/A9

Click on any Grade and Subject rows in the table to view Achievement Level in graph.

Note: School achievement percentiles (1-99) compare each group’s average scaled score to the average scaled scores of the same group from all public schools across the state. Only students enrolled in the same school since October 1 are included in calculations, and groups with fewer than 10 students do not receive percentiles.

NOTE: Grade 10 Science results are reported based on students' best performance on any Science test taken in grade 9 or grade 10; only students continuously enrolled in the state, district, or school from fall of grade 9 through spring of grade 10 are included in state, district, or school results.

School and District Profiles