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Next Generation MCAS Tests 2022
Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Billerica

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GRADE 03 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS494476413841411115 37499 500N/AN/A
GRADE 03 - MATHEMATICS524166463538391120 37399 499N/AN/A
GRADE 04 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS41383437345046916 36099 496 48 341
GRADE 04 - MATHEMATICS49426643374440817 36099 499 44 338
GRADE 05 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS37413534365546813 35599 495 43 325
GRADE 05 - MATHEMATICS363624333254481116 356100 494 37 328
GRADE 05 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG394357343648401318 35499 495N/AN/A
GRADE 06 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS364158323341362322 40999 490 42 384
GRADE 06 - MATHEMATICS36421535375543815 409100 494 46 382
GRADE 07 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS444145403642401519 371100 494 49 351
GRADE 07 - MATHEMATICS413747373148441119 371100 495 56 351
GRADE 08 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS414267343545401418 39299 495 44 370
GRADE 08 - MATHEMATICS223627202963471517 396100 487 31 371
GRADE 08 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG444236413646411018 39499 496N/AN/A
GRADE 10 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS6558596149303458 26199 504 50 236
GRADE 10 - MATHEMATICS6050121147383740310 26299 506 52 237
GRADE 10 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG684712956382540714 24299 508N/AN/A
GRADES 03 - 08 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS414156363545421417 2,26199 495 45 1,771
GRADES 03 - 08 - MATHEMATICS393936363350431117 2,265100 495 43 1,770
GRADES 05 & 08 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG414246373647401218 74899 495N/AN/A

Click on any Grade and Subject rows in the table to view Achievement Level in graph.

Legacy MCAS Tests of Spring 2022
Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Billerica

GRADE 10 - SCIENCE AND TECH/ENG 77 62 29 21 48 41 18 28 5 10 242  90.5 N/A N/A 

NOTE: Grade 10 STE results are reported based on students' best performance on any STE test taken in grade 9 or grade 10; only students continuously enrolled in the state, district, or school from fall of grade 9 through spring of grade 10 are included in state, district, or school results.

NOTE: Grade 10 STE results are presented on both the Next Generation scale (first table) and the Legacy scale (second table). Scholarships and Competency Determination (CD) for graduation use students' results on the Legacy scale through the class of 2025. Information about CD requirements is available at

School and District Profiles