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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.
Data last updated January 16, 2025.

Annual Goals - 2023
Goal #1 We are developing an updated college strategic plan. This plan includes developing specific goals concerning holistic student support. Some of these goals include recruiting and maintaining a diverse student population by identifying supports and dismantling barriers for students while creating learning environments that position students as contributing partners, and honors the impact of their role in knowledge-building curriculum.
Goal #2 We are working on developing an updated college strategic plan. This plan includes developing specific goals concerning the conscious/active recruitment, support and maintain administration, faculty, students employees and staff of color to support our on-going commitment to building an anti-racist health promoting college. Some of these goals include recruiting within the community and connect with the community, while developing, building, and supporting strong community relationships. Additionally, we will be intentional in our commitment to hiring and supporting faculty and staff of color. As part of this process, we are committing to ongoing training for search committees to develop intentional anti-racist hiring procedures and practices.
Goal #3 This year, we are working on developing a plan that includes improving curriculum and instruction through decolonization and student-centeredness. We aim to provide high-quality classroom experiences for students. We commit preparing our students to become anti-racist educators with a demonstrated commitment to social justice. This aim begins with acknowledging that students and candidates have different learning needs, and their experiences need to reflect and support them. In terms of support, we will continue to explore ways to assist with funding for candidates during their practicum/internship experiences.

Annual Goals - 2022
Goal #1 We are in the process of implementing systematic use of disposition forms at three points in the program, including before their pre-practicum. We noticed that many students were entering their practicum experience with faculty/ program supervisors still had some concerns about professionalism or dispositions to teach. This became increasing apparent with the pandemic, which limited our candidates to remote field experiences. By creating and using the disposition forms in a systematic and regular way, the candidates who went to work with our partners in pre-practicum or practicum were more prepared to teach, understood what was expected of them as future educators, and potential issues of professionalism and dispositions had been addressed earlier in the program. We hope to build upon this practice to engage our partners more fully into the preparation process.
Goal #2 We have revisited our existing MTEL policy in light of the pandemic. By removing the requirement of passing all license-specific MTELs, we were able to accomplish several goals concerning student support. We were able to identify at an earlier stage of a candidate's program what supports were needed in addressing MTEL. We were able to introduce individual tutoring which has been received by our candidates. We hope to continue this tutoring program in the next academic year and hope to show a correlation between this tutoring and pass rates for the candidates.
Goal #3 Our goal is to continue to work with our partners to improve outcomes for PK-12 students in multiple ways. We have established and continue to develop long-term partnerships with local partners, especially urban schools, focused on community-based research, pre-practicum cooperation that imbeds our candidates in classrooms throughout their programs, and practicum teaching sites. Many of our candidates already work in local schools, therefore their increased knowledge focused on content and pedagogy directly impacts the classroom. UMass Boston program completers are hired by local school districts, especially BPS, where they can positively impact PK-12 students. A result of strengthening and nurturing stable K-12 partnerships, (including research, professional development for teachers and collaborative work with our teaching candidates) we hope to continue and increasing awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and corresponding changes in practice to build on student strengths.

Annual Goals - 2021
Goal #1 This year, we have committed to an overarching goal to become an anti-racist, health-promoting college. This is a university commitment as well as a college commitment. Our emphasis is on supporting students as well as student success.
Goal #2 Our goal is to provide stronger and more substantive support to our students. The pandemic highlighted the different level of needs our candidates have. We are working to identify those needs, and ways to meet them. For example, this past year has shown us that dependable access to technology is a crucial for our students. As a university, we have worked to supply our students with the technology and access (Chromebooks, wifi support, Zoom accounts). We hope to continue to identify and provide this level of support.
Goal #3 This past year has renewed our commitment to working closely with our partner schools and organizations to provide field experience opportunities that benefit the candidate and the school. Meaningful communication and consistent check-ins are crucial to strengthening our partnerships as we move forward in a current and post-pandemic setting.