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High School Of Commerce

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2016 Accountability Data - High School Of Commerce

Organization Information
District:Springfield (02810000)School type:High School
School:High School Of Commerce (02810510)Grades served:09,10,11,12
Region:Commissioner's DistrictsTitle I status:Title I School (SW)
Accountability and Assistance Level:Level 4
Summary > 2016
2016 English Language Arts Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Baseline CPI 2015 CPI 2016 CPI CPI Change 2016 Target 6 Year Goal CPI Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCPI = 84.7, Target = 88.9CPI = 84.7, Target = 88.9CPI = 84.7, Target = 88.9 81.0 84.3 84.7 0.4 88.9 90.5 231350Improved Below Target
High needsCPI = 83.1, Target = 87.7CPI = 83.1, Target = 87.7CPI = 83.1, Target = 87.7 78.9 82.2 83.1 0.9 87.7 89.5 326350Improved Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedCPI = 85.2, Target = 84CPI = 85.2, Target = 84CPI = 85.2, Target = 84 82.5 82.5 85.2 2.7 84.0 91.3 423175On Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 67.9, Target = 77.7CPI = 67.9, Target = 77.7CPI = 67.9, Target = 77.7 61.8 67.0 67.9 0.9 77.7 80.9 187850Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 71.8, Target = 84.3CPI = 71.8, Target = 84.3CPI = 71.8, Target = 84.3 73.1 60.7 71.8 11.1 84.3 86.6 46250Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. ----------
Asian -------3--
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 82.2, Target = 89.2CPI = 82.2, Target = 89.2CPI = 82.2, Target = 89.2 81.5 91.5 82.2 -9.3 89.2 90.8 4730Declined
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 84.8, Target = 88CPI = 84.8, Target = 88CPI = 84.8, Target = 88 79.5 82.2 84.8 2.6 88.0 89.8 920650Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. -------3--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ----------
White -------28--
Summary > 2016
2016 Mathematics Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Baseline CPI 2015 CPI 2016 CPI CPI Change 2016 Target 6 Year Goal CPI Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCPI = 67.3, Target = 77.5CPI = 67.3, Target = 77.5CPI = 67.3, Target = 77.5 61.4 66.9 67.3 0.4 77.5 80.7 431350Improved Below Target
High needsCPI = 65.3, Target = 76.3CPI = 65.3, Target = 76.3CPI = 65.3, Target = 76.3 59.4 63.8 65.3 1.5 76.3 79.7 426450Improved Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedCPI = 66.6, Target = 67.6CPI = 66.6, Target = 67.6 64.6 64.6 66.6 2.0 67.6 82.3 423275On Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 53.2, Target = 73.6CPI = 53.2, Target = 73.6CPI = 53.2, Target = 73.6 54.8 46.9 53.2 6.3 73.6 77.4 247850Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 52.1, Target = 73.2CPI = 52.1, Target = 73.2CPI = 52.1, Target = 73.2 54.1 43.8 52.1 8.3 73.2 77.1 66050Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. ----------
Asian -------3--
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 60.8, Target = 77.8CPI = 60.8, Target = 77.8CPI = 60.8, Target = 77.8 61.9 70.6 60.8 -9.8 77.8 81.0 8720Declined
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 68.1, Target = 76.6CPI = 68.1, Target = 76.6CPI = 68.1, Target = 76.6 59.8 65.1 68.1 3.0 76.6 79.9 2020650Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. -------3--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ----------
White -------29--
Summary > 2016
2016 Science Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Baseline CPI 2015 CPI 2016 CPI CPI Change 2016 Target 6 Year Goal CPI Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCPI = 56.4, Target = 74.5CPI = 56.4, Target = 74.5CPI = 56.4, Target = 74.5 56.3 56.5 56.4 -0.1 74.5 78.2 226825No Change
High needsCPI = 55.6, Target = 73.3CPI = 55.6, Target = 73.3CPI = 55.6, Target = 73.3 54.3 54.3 55.6 1.3 73.3 77.2 322550Improved Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedCPI = 56.6, Target = 58.2CPI = 56.6, Target = 58.2CPI = 56.6, Target = 58.2 54.4 54.4 56.6 2.2 58.2 77.2 320150Improved Below Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 45.4, Target = 70.4CPI = 45.4, Target = 70.4CPI = 45.4, Target = 70.4 49.2 47.4 45.4 -2.0 70.4 74.6 146525No Change
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 51, Target = 69.6CPI = 51, Target = 69.6CPI = 51, Target = 69.6 47.9 43.0 51.0 8.0 69.6 74.0 55150Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. ----------
Asian -------3--
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 54.2, Target = 74.7CPI = 54.2, Target = 74.7CPI = 54.2, Target = 74.7 56.7 56.3 54.2 -2.1 74.7 78.4 65925No Change
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 55.7, Target = 71.9CPI = 55.7, Target = 71.9CPI = 55.7, Target = 71.9 51.9 54.5 55.7 1.2 71.9 76.0 717650Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. -------2--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ----------
White -------28--
Summary > 2016
2016 English Language Arts Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
% Advanced
% Advanced
N PPI Points 2015
% Warning/Failing
% Warning/Failing
N PPI Points
All students 8.1 4.53130 9.2 8.63130
High needs 7.0 4.62630 11.0 9.926325
Econ. Disadvantaged 7.5 4.82310 11.3 7.823125
EL and Former EL 2.1 3.87825 25.5 20.57825
Students w/ disabilities 0.0 0.0620 26.5 17.76225
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--------
Afr. Amer./Black 20.5 4.1730 4.5 11.0730
Hispanic/Latino 4.4 3.92060 10.8 7.820625
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.--3---3-
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--------
Summary > 2016
2016 Mathematics Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
% Advanced
% Advanced
N PPI Points 2015
% Warning/Failing
% Warning/Failing
N PPI Points
All students 13.2 11.23130 31.6 23.331325
High needs 11.0 11.02640 36.0 25.826425
Econ. Disadvantaged 11.7 12.12320 35.0 25.023225
EL and Former EL 6.1 6.4780 55.1 37.27825
Students w/ disabilities 2.1 1.7600 62.5 41.76025
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--------
Afr. Amer./Black 20.0 8.3720 22.2 29.2720
Hispanic/Latino 9.4 10.720625 35.0 22.820625
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.--3---3-
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--------
Summary > 2016
2016 Science Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
% Advanced
% Advanced
N PPI Points 2015
% Warning/Failing
% Warning/Failing
N PPI Points
All students 0.9 1.526825 25.9 27.62680
High needs 0.5 1.822525 30.6 29.82250
Econ. Disadvantaged 0.5 2.020125 30.1 26.920125
EL and Former EL 0.0 0.0650 42.1 40.0650
Students w/ disabilities 0.0 0.0510 46.5 43.1510
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--------
Afr. Amer./Black 0.0 1.75925 27.8 30.5590
Hispanic/Latino 0.6 0.61760 27.5 26.11760
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.--2---2-
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--------
Summary > 2016
2016 English Language Arts Growth
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015 SGP 2016 SGP SGP Change 6 Year Goal Met Safe Harbor? N PPI Points Rating
All studentsSGP = 35.5, Target = 51SGP = 35.5, Target = 51SGP = 35.5, Target = 51 46.5 35.5 -11.0 51.0No20425Below Target
High needsSGP = 36.5, Target = 51SGP = 36.5, Target = 51SGP = 36.5, Target = 51 46.0 36.5 -9.5 51.0No16825Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedSGP = 37, Target = 51SGP = 37, Target = 51SGP = 37, Target = 51 46.0 37.0 -9.0 51.0No15025Below Target
EL and Former ELSGP = 39, Target = 51SGP = 39, Target = 51SGP = 39, Target = 51 39.5 39.0 -0.5 51.0No4325Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesSGP = 17, Target = 51SGP = 17, Target = 51SGP = 17, Target = 51 41.0 17.0 -24.0 51.0Yes3775On Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 51.0----
Asian --- 51.0-2--
Afr. Amer./BlackSGP = 20, Target = 51SGP = 20, Target = 51SGP = 20, Target = 51 31.5 20.0 -11.5 51.0No490Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoSGP = 41.5, Target = 51SGP = 41.5, Target = 51SGP = 41.5, Target = 51 40.5 41.5 1.0 51.0Yes13275On Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. --- 51.0-1--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 51.0----
White --- 51.0-20--
Summary > 2016
2016 Mathematics Growth
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015 SGP 2016 SGP SGP Change 6 Year Goal Met Safe Harbor? N PPI Points Rating
All studentsSGP = 51, Target = 51SGP = 51, Target = 51 53.0 51.0 -2.0 51.0No20975On Target
High needsSGP = 49, Target = 51SGP = 49, Target = 51SGP = 49, Target = 51 52.0 49.0 -3.0 51.0No17450Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedSGP = 46, Target = 51SGP = 46, Target = 51SGP = 46, Target = 51 51.0 46.0 -5.0 51.0No15550Below Target
EL and Former ELSGP = 56, Target = 51SGP = 56, Target = 51SGP = 56, Target = 51 48.0 56.0 8.0 51.0No4675On Target
Students w/ disabilitiesSGP = 34, Target = 51SGP = 34, Target = 51SGP = 34, Target = 51 39.0 34.0 -5.0 51.0No3725Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 51.0----
Asian --- 51.0-2--
Afr. Amer./BlackSGP = 35.5, Target = 51SGP = 35.5, Target = 51SGP = 35.5, Target = 51 53.0 35.5 -17.5 51.0No5025Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoSGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51 51.0 54.0 3.0 51.0No13575On Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. --- 51.0-1--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 51.0----
White --- 51.0-21--
Summary > 2016
2016 Extra credit for English language proficiency growth
  2016 SGPA 2016 Target SGPA N Included PPI Points
All students 29.0 60.01550
High needs 29.0 60.01550
EL and Former EL 29.0 60.01550
Summary > 2016
2015 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2014 Rate 2015 Rate Change Annual Target 6 Year Goal N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCohort Graduation Rate = 47, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 47, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 47, Target = 80 43.9 47.0 3.1 80.0 90.033250Improved Below Target
High needsCohort Graduation Rate = 47, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 47, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 47, Target = 80 44.2 47.0 2.8 80.0 90.030250Improved Below Target
Econ. Disadvantaged --- 80.0 90.0---
EL and Former ELCohort Graduation Rate = 37.7, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 37.7, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 37.7, Target = 80 33.7 37.7 4.0 80.0 90.07750Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCohort Graduation Rate = 22, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 22, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 22, Target = 80 26.1 22.0 -4.1 80.0 90.0820Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 80.0 90.0---
Asian --- 80.0 90.07--
Afr. Amer./BlackCohort Graduation Rate = 49.3, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 49.3, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 49.3, Target = 80 61.1 49.3 -11.8 80.0 90.0730Declined
Hispanic/LatinoCohort Graduation Rate = 46.8, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 46.8, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 46.8, Target = 80 39.9 46.8 6.9 80.0 90.022250Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. --- 80.0 90.03--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 80.0 90.01--
WhiteCohort Graduation Rate = 30.8, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 30.8, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 30.8, Target = 80 40.5 30.8 -9.7 80.0 90.026--
Summary > 2016
2014 5-Year Cohort Graduation Rate
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2013 Rate 2014 Rate Change Annual Target 6 Year Goal N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCohort Graduation Rate = 44.6, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 44.6, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 44.6, Target = 85 41.8 44.6 2.8 85.0 95.039250Improved Below Target
High needsCohort Graduation Rate = 45, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 45, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 45, Target = 85 41.7 45.0 3.3 85.0 95.037150Improved Below Target
Econ. Disadvantaged --- 85.0 95.0---
EL and Former ELCohort Graduation Rate = 33.7, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 33.7, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 33.7, Target = 85 21.0 33.7 12.7 85.0 95.09550Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCohort Graduation Rate = 26.1, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 26.1, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 26.1, Target = 85 19.8 26.1 6.3 85.0 95.011950Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 85.0 95.0---
Asian --- 85.0 95.07--
Afr. Amer./BlackCohort Graduation Rate = 62.5, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 62.5, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 62.5, Target = 85 54.8 62.5 7.7 85.0 95.07250Improved Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoCohort Graduation Rate = 40.7, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 40.7, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 40.7, Target = 85 36.0 40.7 4.7 85.0 95.027350Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. --- 85.0 95.03--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 85.0 95.0---
WhiteCohort Graduation Rate = 40.5, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 40.5, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 40.5, Target = 85 37.5 40.5 3.0 85.0 95.037--
Summary > 2016
2015 Annual Dropout Rate
  0  2  4  6  8  10 12  14 16  18 20 Baseline Rate 2014 Rate 2015 Rate Change Annual Target 6 Year Goal Dropout Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsDropout Rate = 6.3, Target = 9 15.5 10.7 6.3 4.4 9.0 7.814141975On Target
High needsDropout Rate = 6.4, Target = 8.1 13.9 11.1 6.4 4.7 8.1 7.016111375On Target
Econ. Disadvantaged  5.9---- 3.0-939--
EL and Former ELDropout Rate = 7.3, Target = 7.4 12.6 13.3 7.3 6.0 7.4 6.32328975On Target
Students w/ disabilitiesDropout Rate = 10.1, Target = 10.7 18.4 20.2 10.1 10.1 10.7 9.2826875On Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. ----------
Asian -------21--
Afr. Amer./BlackDropout Rate = 3.3, Target = 6.7 11.5 7.4 3.3 4.1 6.7 5.826335100Above Target
Hispanic/LatinoDropout Rate = 7.4, Target = 10 17.2 11.9 7.4 4.5 10.0 8.61592975On Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. -------32--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ----------
WhiteDropout Rate = 7.8, Target = 10.3 17.7 13.8 7.8 6.0 10.3 8.96102--
Extra Credit for Reengaging Dropouts (2 or more)
  2015 Number of Dropouts Reengaged PPI Points
All students1425
High needs1425
Summary > 2016
2016 Assessment Participation
  English Language Arts Mathematics Science
Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%) Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%) Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%)
All students35935599Yes36335899Yes36236099Yes
High needs30430099Yes30730399Yes30730599Yes
Econ. Disadvantaged26626298Yes26926599Yes26826699Yes
EL and Former EL10210098Yes10310299Yes10410399Yes
Students w/ disabilities7070100Yes716997Yes716997Yes
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.------------
Afr. Amer./Black7676100Yes787697Yes787799Yes
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.4---4---4---
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.------------

NOTE: In 2016, assessment participation was calculated two ways: First, the 2016 participation rate for each subgroup in each subject area test was calculated. If the actual 2016 participation rate was lower than 95 percent for any group in any subject, that rate was compared to the average of the most recent two years of assessment participation data for that group and subject. The higher of the two resulting rates was factored into the assignment of the school or district's 2016 accountability and assistance level.

School and District Profiles