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2024 Official Accountability Report - Lawrence

Organization Information
Lawrence (01490000)
Title I District
Strategic Transformation

Accountability Information

Overall classificationRequiring assistance or intervention
Reason for classification
In need of broad/comprehensive support
Chronically underperforming district
Progress toward improvement targetsAccountability percentile
51% - Substantial progress toward targets-

Overall progress toward improvement targets

Annual criterion-referenced target percentage45%55%
Cumulative Criterion-referenced target percentage
(2023 x 40%) + (2024 x 60%)
Substantial progress toward targets

2024 Points awarded

2024 Progress toward improvement targets
Indicator All students
(Non-high school grades)
Lowest performing students
(Non-high school grades)
All students
(High school grades)
Lowest performing students
(High school grades)
Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight %
AchievementEnglish language arts achievement04-34-24-44-
Mathematics achievement24-44-04-24-
Science achievement24----04----
Achievement total41260.07867.521240.06867.5
GrowthEnglish language arts growth24-24-24-14-
Mathematics growth34-24-14-14-
Growth total5820.04822.53820.02822.5
High school completionFour-year cohort graduation rate------04----
Extended engagement rate------04----
Annual dropout rate------14----
High school completion total------11220.0---
Progress toward attaining English language proficiencyEnglish language proficiency total1410.0---3410.0---
Additional indicatorsChronic absenteeism44-44-04-44-
Advanced coursework completion------24----
Additional indicators total4410.04410.02810.04410.0
Weighted total3.99.6-6.07.6-2.110.0-4.97.6-
Percentage of possible points 41%-79%-21%-65%-
Percentage of possible points by gradespan60%
Weight of non-high school results:70%
Weight of high school results:30%
2024 Annual criterion-referenced target percentage55%

2023 Points awarded

2023 Progress toward improvement targets
Indicator All students
(Non-high school grades)
Lowest performing students
(Non-high school grades)
All students
(High school grades)
Lowest performing students
(High school grades)
Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight %
AchievementEnglish language arts achievement04-24-04----
Mathematics achievement24-44-04----
Science achievement04----24----
Achievement total21260.06867.521240.0---
GrowthEnglish language arts growth34-24-14----
Mathematics growth34-24-14----
Growth total6820.04822.52820.0---
High school completionFour-year cohort graduation rate------44----
Extended engagement rate------44----
Annual dropout rate------04----
High school completion total------81220.0---
Progress toward attaining English language proficiencyEnglish language proficiency total0410.0---0410.0---
Additional indicatorsChronic absenteeism44-44-44----
Advanced coursework completion------14----
Additional indicators total4410.04410.05810.0---
Weighted total2.89.6-5.47.6-3.310.0----
Percentage of possible points 29%-71%-33%---
Percentage of possible points by gradespan50%
Weight of non-high school results:70%
Weight of high school results:30%
2023 Annual criterion-referenced target percentage45%

Overall progress toward improvement targets

Annual criterion-referenced target percentage28%34%
Cumulative Criterion-referenced target percentage
(2023 x 40%) + (2024 x 60%)
Moderate progress toward targets

2024 Points awarded

2024 Progress toward improvement targets
Indicator High needs Student Group
(Non-high school grades)
High needs Student Group
(High school grades)
Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight %
AchievementEnglish language arts achievement04-24-
Mathematics achievement24-04-
Science achievement24-04-
Achievement total41267.521247.5
GrowthEnglish language arts growth24-24-
Mathematics growth34-14-
Growth total5822.53822.5
High school completionFour-year cohort graduation rate---04-
Extended engagement rate---04-
Annual dropout rate---04-
High school completion total---01220.0
Progress toward attaining English language proficiencyEnglish language proficiency total------
Additional indicatorsChronic absenteeism44-04-
Advanced coursework completion---24-
Additional indicators total4410.02810.0
Weighted total4.210.3-1.810.7-
Percentage of possible points 41%-17%-
Percentage of possible points by gradespan41%
Weight of non-high school results:70%
Weight of high school results:30%
2024 Annual criterion-referenced target percentage34%

2023 Points awarded

2023 Progress toward improvement targets
Indicator High needs Student Group
(Non-high school grades)
High needs Student Group
(High school grades)
Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight %
AchievementEnglish language arts achievement04-04-
Mathematics achievement24-04-
Science achievement04-24-
Achievement total21267.521247.5
GrowthEnglish language arts growth24-14-
Mathematics growth24-14-
Growth total4822.52822.5
High school completionFour-year cohort graduation rate---34-
Extended engagement rate---44-
Annual dropout rate---04-
High school completion total---71220.0
Progress toward attaining English language proficiencyEnglish language proficiency total------
Additional indicatorsChronic absenteeism44-44-
Advanced coursework completion---14-
Additional indicators total4410.05810.0
Weighted total2.710.3-3.310.7-
Percentage of possible points 26%-31%-
Percentage of possible points by gradespan26%
Weight of non-high school results:70%
Weight of high school results:30%
2023 Annual criterion-referenced target percentage28%

Detailed data for each indicator

English language arts achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - Non-high school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 477.9 476.7 -1.2 480.3 5,8630Recovery Path: Declined
Lowest Performing 451.6 455.4 3.8 455.3 1,0453Recovery Path: Met Target
High needs 476.7 475.4 -1.3 478.9 5,5090Recovery Path: Declined
Low income 476.9 475.5 -1.4 479.1 5,2300Recovery Path: Declined
EL and Former EL 471.9 470.7 -1.2 475.3 3,0220Recovery Path: Declined
Students w/ disabilities 461.9 462.2 0.3 464.3 1,2372Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 2--
Asian 496.3 491.0 -5.3 498.7 600Path Forward: Declined
Afr. Amer./Black 479.9 479.9 0.0 482.3 821Path Forward: No Change
Hispanic/Latino 477.5 476.2 -1.3 480.7 5,5400Recovery Path: Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 25--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White 484.4 487.6 3.2 486.3 1544Path Forward: Exceeded Target

English language arts achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - High school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 479.3 479.8 0.5 481.3 8282Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Lowest Performing 454.5 460.4 5.9 459.6 1434Path Forward: Exceeded Target
High needs 477.6 478.3 0.7 480.9 7752Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Low income 478.1 478.8 0.7 482.0 7342Path Forward: Improved Below Target
EL and Former EL 465.9 466.1 0.2 469.1 4132Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilities 465.0 471.6 6.6 467.0 1544Recovery Path: Exceeded Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Asian---- 8--
Afr. Amer./Black---- 7--
Hispanic/Latino 478.8 479.2 0.4 482.0 7942Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 1--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White---- 18--

Mathematics achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - Non-high school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 479.0 480.6 1.6 481.6 5,8712Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Lowest Performing 453.7 461.0 7.3 457.4 1,0454Recovery Path: Exceeded Target
High needs 478.0 479.6 1.6 480.3 5,5172Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Low income 478.1 479.6 1.5 480.4 5,2392Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
EL and Former EL 474.9 476.6 1.7 477.4 3,0242Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilities 465.1 467.2 2.1 467.2 1,2393Recovery Path: Met Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 2--
Asian 496.9 496.9 0.0 499.8 601Path Forward: No Change
Afr. Amer./Black 479.4 483.4 4.0 481.7 814Path Forward: Exceeded Target
Hispanic/Latino 478.7 480.2 1.5 481.3 5,5502Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 25--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White 483.4 489.0 5.6 485.2 1534Path Forward: Exceeded Target

Mathematics achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - High school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 481.1 478.1 -3.0 482.7 8170Recovery Path: Declined
Lowest Performing 462.5 464.2 1.7 467.6 1392Path Forward: Improved Below Target
High needs 479.8 477.0 -2.8 483.6 7640Path Forward: Declined
Low income 480.0 477.2 -2.8 484.5 7230Path Forward: Declined
EL and Former EL 474.1 469.8 -4.3 479.2 4090Path Forward: Declined
Students w/ disabilities 473.5 470.4 -3.1 476.9 1490Path Forward: Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Asian---- 8--
Afr. Amer./Black---- 7--
Hispanic/Latino 480.7 477.3 -3.4 482.4 7820Recovery Path: Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 1--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White---- 19--

Science achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - Non-high school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 477.5 478.0 0.5 479.2 2,0112Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Lowest Performing---- 419--
High needs 476.4 476.6 0.2 479.4 1,8712Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Low income 476.6 476.5 -0.1 479.9 1,7821Path Forward: No Change
EL and Former EL 471.1 472.2 1.1 473.1 1,0082Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilities 464.7 466.3 1.6 466.6 4343Recovery Path: Met Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Asian---- 22--
Afr. Amer./Black 477.7 480.5 2.8 481.2 262Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Hispanic/Latino 477.2 477.6 0.4 478.9 1,9102Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 11--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White 484.3 487.3 3.0 486.9 423Path Forward: Met Target

Science achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - High school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 479.4 477.2 -2.2 482.4 6950Recovery Path: Declined
Lowest Performing---- 144--
High needs 478.3 476.0 -2.3 481.5 6490Recovery Path: Declined
Low income 478.7 476.6 -2.1 482.3 6160Recovery Path: Declined
EL and Former EL 471.3 466.5 -4.8 475.2 3190Recovery Path: Declined
Students w/ disabilities 469.4 468.9 -0.5 472.5 1381Recovery Path: No Change
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Asian---- 8--
Afr. Amer./Black---- 4--
Hispanic/Latino 479.1 476.5 -2.6 483.0 6650Recovery Path: Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 1--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White---- 17--

English language arts growth - Non-high school
Group 2024 Mean SGP N Points Reason
All Students 49.7 4,2892Typical Growth - Low
Lowest Performing 44.6 1,0182Typical Growth - Low
High needs 49.3 3,9962Typical Growth - Low
Low income 49.3 3,7932Typical Growth - Low
EL and Former EL 49.2 2,0882Typical Growth - Low
Students w/ disabilities 44.6 8812Typical Growth - Low
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.----
Asian 50.6 493Typical Growth - High
Afr. Amer./Black 49.5 592Typical Growth - Low
Hispanic/Latino 49.6 4,0532Typical Growth - Low
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.- 18--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.----
White 53.4 1103Typical Growth - High

English language arts growth - High school
Group 2024 Mean SGP N Points Reason
All Students 40.0 5772Typical Growth - Low
Lowest Performing 39.4 1341Low Growth
High needs 40.2 5282Typical Growth - Low
Low income 39.8 5061Low Growth
EL and Former EL 40.3 2202Typical Growth - Low
Students w/ disabilities 40.8 1152Typical Growth - Low
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.----
Asian- 8--
Afr. Amer./Black- 7--
Hispanic/Latino 39.9 5491Low Growth
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.- 1--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.----
White- 12--

Mathematics growth - Non-high school
Group 2024 Mean SGP N Points Reason
All Students 51.6 4,3563Typical Growth - High
Lowest Performing 47.0 1,0182Typical Growth - Low
High needs 51.5 4,0623Typical Growth - High
Low income 51.5 3,8563Typical Growth - High
EL and Former EL 52.0 2,1513Typical Growth - High
Students w/ disabilities 45.1 8862Typical Growth - Low
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.----
Asian 48.8 492Typical Growth - Low
Afr. Amer./Black 51.4 603Typical Growth - High
Hispanic/Latino 51.6 4,1173Typical Growth - High
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.- 18--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.----
White 52.1 1123Typical Growth - High

Mathematics growth - High school
Group 2024 Mean SGP N Points Reason
All Students 32.3 5751Low Growth
Lowest Performing 36.2 1321Low Growth
High needs 32.5 5261Low Growth
Low income 32.5 5041Low Growth
EL and Former EL 36.0 2211Low Growth
Students w/ disabilities 34.8 1181Low Growth
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.----
Asian- 8--
Afr. Amer./Black- 7--
Hispanic/Latino 32.2 5461Low Growth
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.- 1--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.----
White- 13--

Four-year cohort graduation rate - High school
Group 2022 Rate (%) 2023 Rate (%) Change Target (%) N Points Reason
All Students 82.4 72.7 -9.7 84.4 9190Declined
Lowest Performing-------
High needs 81.9 73.3 -8.6 86.2 8780Declined
Low income 82.3 73.7 -8.6 86.9 8580Declined
EL and Former EL 77.7 69.8 -7.9 83.4 3770Declined
Students w/ disabilities 73.6 56.2 -17.4 79.7 1620Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Asian---- 12--
Afr. Amer./Black---- 6--
Hispanic/Latino 82.3 72.3 -10.0 87.0 8740Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 4--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 1--
White---- 22--

Extended engagement rate - High school
Group 2021 Rate (%) 2022 Rate (%) Change Target (%) N Points Reason
All Students 88.5 86.8 -1.7 90.1 8860Declined
Lowest Performing-------
High needs 88.1 86.5 -1.6 91.5 8530Declined
Low income 89.6 86.8 -2.8 93.4 8250Declined
EL and Former EL 85.2 84.7 -0.5 90.7 3911No Change
Students w/ disabilities 77.8 82.1 4.3 82.4 1403Met Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Asian---- 8--
Afr. Amer./Black---- 15--
Hispanic/Latino 88.4 86.9 -1.5 92.5 8320Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 2--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White---- 29--

Annual dropout rate - High school
Group 2022 Rate (%) 2023 Rate (%) Change Target (%) N Points Reason
All Students 3.4 3.3 -0.1 3.1 3,4521No Change
Lowest Performing-------
High needs 3.0 3.4 0.4 2.7 3,1470Declined
Low income 2.7 3.0 0.3 2.4 2,8600Declined
EL and Former EL 2.5 4.2 1.7 2.3 1,3750Declined
Students w/ disabilities 4.7 5.2 0.5 4.2 5790Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 1--
Asian---- 48--
Afr. Amer./Black---- 39--
Hispanic/Latino 3.3 3.2 -0.1 3.0 3,2761No Change
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 12--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 1--
White---- 75--

Progress toward attaining English language proficiency - Non-high school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 33.4 31.4 -2.0 35.0 2,6341No Change
Lowest Performing-------
High needs-------
Low income-------
EL and Former EL 33.4 31.4 -2.0 35.0 2,6341No Change
Students w/ disabilities-------
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Afr. Amer./Black-------
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.-------
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------

Progress toward attaining English language proficiency - High school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 9.8 8.8 -1.0 11.1 1,1763Met Target
Lowest Performing-------
High needs-------
Low income-------
EL and Former EL 9.8 8.8 -1.0 11.1 1,1763Met Target
Students w/ disabilities-------
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Afr. Amer./Black-------
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.-------
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------

Chronic absenteeism - Non-high school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 26.8 22.2 -4.6 25.8 8,7624Exceeded Target
Lowest Performing 30.8 27.8 -3.0 28.7 1,0474Exceeded Target
High needs 27.7 22.9 -4.8 25.9 8,2974Exceeded Target
Low income 28.1 23.4 -4.7 25.7 7,9114Exceeded Target
EL and Former EL 25.9 20.8 -5.1 23.4 4,7704Exceeded Target
Students w/ disabilities 34.3 31.3 -3.0 31.9 1,6574Exceeded Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 2--
Asian 21.4 13.2 -8.2 19.3 764Exceeded Target
Afr. Amer./Black 20.2 13.8 -6.4 17.7 1304Exceeded Target
Hispanic/Latino 26.8 22.2 -4.6 23.9 8,2704Exceeded Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 35--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 4--
White 31.4 26.9 -4.5 30.2 2454Exceeded Target

Chronic absenteeism - High school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 38.8 40.3 1.5 37.2 3,8730Declined
Lowest Performing 54.0 44.4 -9.6 48.7 1444Exceeded Target
High needs 40.1 41.4 1.3 37.2 3,6200Declined
Low income 40.7 42.0 1.3 36.2 3,3930Declined
EL and Former EL 38.9 40.1 1.2 34.8 2,0360Declined
Students w/ disabilities 47.0 49.2 2.2 43.5 5980Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 1--
Asian---- 43--
Afr. Amer./Black---- 56--
Hispanic/Latino 38.9 40.4 1.5 34.5 3,6860Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 6--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White---- 81--

Advanced coursework completion - High school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 73.6 74.2 0.6 77.0 1,7442Improved Below Target
Lowest Performing-------
High needs 71.8 72.3 0.5 77.5 1,6012Improved Below Target
Low income 72.7 72.7 0.0 78.9 1,4851No Change
EL and Former EL 63.2 66.9 3.7 69.9 8612Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilities 68.9 63.4 -5.5 76.0 2270Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 1--
Asian---- 23--
Afr. Amer./Black---- 29--
Hispanic/Latino 72.7 74.0 1.3 79.5 1,6562Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.---- 3--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White---- 32--

Assessment participation - All students
Group English language arts Mathematics Science
Enrolled Assessed % Met Target? Years in Rate Enrolled Assessed % Met Target? Years in Rate Enrolled Assessed % Met Target? Years in Rate
All Students 7,409 7,31699Yes 1 7,398 7,32799Yes 1 3,191 3,16299Yes 1

Assessment participation - Student Group
Group English language arts Mathematics Science Overall
Enrolled Assessed Enrolled Assessed Enrolled Assessed Total Enrolled Total Assessed % Met Target? Years in Rate
High needs 7,002 6,909 6,991 6,920 2,998 2,969 16,991 16,79899Yes1
Low income 6,645 6,559 6,635 6,570 2,849 2,822 16,129 15,95199Yes1
EL and Former EL 4,139 4,060 4,121 4,072 1,761 1,738 10,021 9,87098Yes1
Students w/ disabilities 1,413 1,387 1,409 1,397 600 595 3,422 3,37999Yes1
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. 2 2 2 2 0- 4----
Asian 68 68 68 68 30 30 166 166100Yes1
Afr. Amer./Black 101 99 100 100 36 36 237 23599Yes1
Hispanic/Latino 7,033 6,945 7,023 6,955 3,049 3,021 17,105 16,92199Yes1
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 26 26 26 26 12 12 64 64100Yes1
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. 1 1 1 1 0- 2----
White 178 175 178 175 64 63 420 41398Yes1

School Accountability Information
School Accountability information School accountability percentile
Alexander B BruceRequiring assistance or intervention 10
Arlington ElementaryRequiring assistance or intervention 3
Arlington Middle SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention 8
Edward F. ParthumNot requiring assistance or intervention 18
Emily G WetherbeeRequiring assistance or intervention 12
Francis M LeahyRequiring assistance or intervention 2
Frost Middle SchoolNot requiring assistance or intervention 23
Gerard A. GuilmetteRequiring assistance or intervention 2
Guilmette Middle SchoolNot requiring assistance or intervention 20
High School Learning CenterRequiring assistance or intervention-
James F HennesseyInsufficient data-
John Breen SchoolInsufficient data-
John K TarboxRequiring assistance or intervention 17
Lawlor Early Childhood CenterInsufficient data-
Lawrence Family Public AcademyInsufficient data-
Lawrence High SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention 7
Leonard Middle SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention 2
Oliver Elementary SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention 2
Oliver Middle SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention 11
Parthum Middle SchoolNot requiring assistance or intervention 34
RISE AcademyRequiring assistance or intervention-
Robert FrostNot requiring assistance or intervention 22
Rollins Early Childhood CenterInsufficient data-
School for Exceptional StudiesRequiring assistance or intervention 3
South Lawrence East Elementary SchoolNot requiring assistance or intervention 11
Spark AcademyNot requiring assistance or intervention 28

About this report

Overall classification: All Massachusetts districts and schools with sufficient data are classified into one of two accountability categories: districts and schools requiring assistance or intervention, and districts and schools not requiring assistance or intervention. The reason(s) for the district's or school's classification are noted on this report.

Progress toward improvement targets: The criterion-referenced target percentage combines multiple years of data related to achievement, growth, high school completion, English learner progress, advanced coursework completion, and chronic absenteeism into a single number between 0 and 100. For a group to be considered to be meeting targets it must have a cumulative criterion-referenced target percentage of 75% or higher.

The annual criterion-referenced target percentage is calculated by dividing the weighted total points earned by the weighted total possible points. The calculation for each is displayed below.

Weighted total of points earned = (Total achievement points earned x Achievement weight) + (Total growth points earned x Growth weight) + (Total high school completion points earned x high school completion weight) + (EL progress points earned x EL progress weight) + (Total additional indicator points earned x Additional indicator weight)

The cumulative criterion-referenced target percentage represents a weighted average of the annual criterion-referenced target percentages. At a minimum, a group must have an annual criterion-referenced target percentage for the most recent year in order to receive a cumulative percentage.

Accountability percentile: An accountability percentile between 1 and 99 is reported for most schools. This number is an indication of the school's overall performance relative to other schools that serve similar grades, and is calculated using multiple years of data for all accountability indicators. School percentiles are not calculated for districts.

Interpretive Materials Interpretive Materials
Accountability Terms Glossary of Accountability Terms

School and District Profiles